Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shannon James Playboy Playmate May 2007

*Shannon James* is the *Playboy Playmate* for May 2007. The fresh-faced
beauty from Holland — as in the small town outside Philadelphia, not the
country known for tulips and knockout blondes — appeared on Stern's show
after a friend submitted some pictures of her in a bikini and said Shannon
wanted to be a Playmate. It paid off in spades. Everyone adored Shannon. "I
mentioned I wanted to get my chest done," she says, "and Howard said not
to, that I have perfect breasts." Hear, hear. As for Shannon, she is indeed
a well-rounded woman. She says her education is her top priority. She is
working on her bachelor's degree in marketing and is considering a career
in pharmaceutical sales. Her disposition is as warm as her smile is bright,
and she describes herself as a good girl with a wild side. "I'm such a
nerd," she tells us. "I love to cuddle up with a good book, and I have a
huge collection of poetry I've written. At the same time, I'm always game
for staying up until four o'clock in the morning or going to a party with
my girlfriends in Old City in Philly, where we attract a good amount of
attention." In front of the camera Shannon has no inhibitions. "I've
always been comfortable with my sexuality and my body," she says. "Half
my sorority sisters run around naked, so there's no time to be shy." And
her romantic life? Says the magnificent Miss May, "I've been both the
committed girlfriend and the serial kisser making out with the world."
Shannon James Bio Name: Shannon James Birthplace: Holland, PA Bust: 34C
Waist: 23 Hips: 34 Height: 5′ 8″ Weight: 115 lbs Ambitions: To pursue a
career in pharmaceutical sales or acting & have my poetry published one day.
Turn-Ons: Confidence, funny guys, ambition, great smiles, six-packs & sexy
V-shaped torsos. Turnoffs: Bad manners, smoking, bad breath & cocky
attitudes. Why I Joined A Sorority In College: It was a great way to meet
amazing & fun people. I established friendships I know will last forever! Why
I Write Poetry: It's a really good release of my emotions & cheers me up
when I'm down. What I'd Like To Say To Howard Stern: Thank you for being
so sweet & giving me this amazing opportunity. My Porn Name (First Pet &
Street I Lived On): Jade Sheffield See more of Miss May Shannon James nude
inside the Playboy Cyberclub. Join Shannon James at Playboy