We all know that women really aren't that good at washing cars right? Well
whether your washing your beat up old Chevy or shining your bright red
Ferrari, your girl can help you wash the car if she follows Kimberly Phillips
simple guide to washing cars. Our Playboy Playmate for September 2009 shows a
step by step guide to assist you in getting the right results girks! 1. Wear
a sexy bikini 2. Let boobs fall out of bikini 3. Soap up the now exposed
boobs 4. Press soapy boobs up against the car windows. 5. SUCCESS! See it's
not that hard to get your girl to help you in such an important task each
week. Use the photos as a guide, and of course be sure to see all of Kimberly
Phillips hot Playboy pictures in the Playboy Cyberclub. Join Kimberly
Phillips at Playboy