Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Now serving cached pages

Trying to improve the performance of the site a bit. I've added a caching
plugin (WP Super Cache) to do the job. Let's see how that works out. I'm
also always interested on where some of my refers come from. I see has
made my list. so has facebook. I would love to drill down a bit deeper and
see who my visitors are So I put in counterize as well. I had experience with
this a while ago on a previous site. In the end, I liked google analytics
more but they can't give me live refer lists so, in counterize goes for
that. Here's a few pics I'll let you guys in on something. I'm from
reddit ChicksNBabes Always hanging in xsmall…r/trees as well. Won't tell
you my other user name though… To bad about r/jailbait. Not sad to see them
go or anything like that, but yeah, they were stinking up the joint.
They'll find a home somewhere else. I'm pretty sure of that. One last
thing. I've added a new That Guys Blog category for my musings. Anyways,
I'm out.