*Nicole Jaye* is the *Playboy Barmate* for October 2011. "I DON'T think
I've ever heard a good pickup line at my bar, Alibi Cafe in Providence.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that—now it sounds like a challenge. ARE
DRUNK girls worse than drunk guys? I don't know. All drunk people love to
knock their glasses over, so I'd rather deal with whoever spills the least.
RHODE ISLAND is such a small state that you can't do anything without
everyone else hearing about it. AT MY last job, my best friend and I had a
champagne fight. Because our clothes were soaked, we borrowed shirts from two
guys and drove home in our underwear. It's a good thing we didn't get
pulled over." See all of the hot nude pictures of Nicole Jaye at Playboy.
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