*Hannah Gappa* is the *Playboy Barmate* for July 2011. Hannah works as a sexy
barmaid in Lincoln Nebraska, so if you want to have a drink poured by this
gorgeous brunette head on over to "The Bar" Hannah Gappa talks about
herself The Bar I work at, the Bar in Lincoln, Nebraska, is considered the
place you make your last stop of the night. So by the time people get here,
they aren't always in their right mind and have a tendency… to throw
their inhibitions to the wind. Let's just say I have seen my fair share of
bare ta-tas. Growing up in Nebraska, I had a pet cow and two pet sheep. They
were birthday presents from my grandpa. Its pretty obvious how to get on a
bartender's good side: Tip early and often. I don't work for free! You
can tell a lot from a man's drink order. A beer means he's in it for the
long haul, a double means he wants to get frisky and a shot means he's
ready to party. See more of Hannah Gappa at Playboy