*Cody Renee* is the *Playboy Coed* of the Week for May 5 2011. Cody is
studying Communication at the University of Illinois. Cody Renee Q&A
/Playboy: What kinds of on-campus activities are you involved in?/ Cody:
I'm an I-Promise peer mentor, a member of… the American Advertising
Federation and I play intramural coed soccer. /Playboy: So you like sports?
Which Illini teams do you follow?/ Cody: The best experience would have to be
football or basketball. I've been to both games. There's usually a bunch
of drunk, rowdy people, so that makes it fun. /Playboy: How are the campus
parties?/ Cody: I've been to some crazy theme parties like White Trash
Bash, black light parties, Boats and Hos and Bikinis and Martinis. Partying
on Unofficial St. Patty's Day is the best, though. Everyone and their mom
skip class and starts drinking at 8 a.m. until they pass out around 8 p.m.
There's an endless sea of green people all over the main strip on campus
and green beer everywhere. See more of Cody Renee nude at the Playboy
Cyberclub. Vote of Cody Renee at Playboy