Here's some good news! I got my trade tracking software back online today!
Here's what happened. Something fucked up with my database that contained
all my stats for traffic trading. It turned out to be a corrupted table. I
had to delete it. I couldn't put it back together because the vendor I got
this software off of deleted his mod pages that I used . So I rebuilt it my
self and couldn't get the stupid thing to work. I thought it was some more
MYSQL fuckery. After testing and testing and testing, I tracked the problem
down to a date and time field. PHP time function does not out put a proper
MYSQL date format. So all the times had a 0 hour. That meant that the as far
as the script was concerned, any records that old were deleted right away.
Anyways, I got under the hood and fixed it up. So the top list is back and I
know what to do if it goes down again. You can see your complete stats here.
To get on the list, just send traffic. As always, another beautiful babe. I
want a yatch!